Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Little messenger

Luke helped me get a message across today:

He owes me after last night's scream-fest. I think he switched places with a newborn.

Luke and I feel pretty much the same way today - exhausted!

My dream date-night right now would consist of a nice long nap. I'm a very cheap date.


Unknown said...

Ha Ha! I love it!

Lauren @ Magnify the Lord with Me said...

HAHAHA!!!! Too funny!

Love the new header, by the way!

WheelbarrowRider said...! I am told they have a growth spurt right about now. It's been a bit painful going back to ways i thought/hoped were long behind us. :)

E said...

Too cute!

LifeHopes said...

Wow, this is the first time I've been over here in a quite a while!!! I so love all these pictures of your gorgeous children!!

Seriously, I could look at pics of Luke and Clara all day long, they are just so cute!!!

Thanks for posting!

Little JoAnn said...

Luke! You are too funny. So glad I checked in cause your photos are to die for. Love them. Hope you get that date night soon AND that nap!!! Hey, if they don't sleep at night they have to sleep during the day, right???????


Faith said...

Oh hun, we had a "Date night" when my friends offered to stay with the babies so we could go to dinner...and I practically slept through the dinner! ALL I wanted was to sleep, lol!