Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Little fan

Lukie is the proud owner of his first-ever baseball hat!

This is a very big day in our house. And it's a Mets hat, of course, so he's destined for a life of disappointment ;)

Here he is with his daddy, trying it on for the first time...

I can't stand it! I have a little boy wearing a baseball hat!

There's that dimple...

Little stinker...

When did he become a big boy? Wasn't he just a newborn a few days ago?

This one I'm including simply because he still looks like a baby in it. It's that adorable vacant-eyed-breathing-through-the-mouth look...

And this is how they'd wear baseball hats if they lived all by themselves. Good thing they have us around to fix them...

We're ready for opening day!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekend pictures

Since I gave up Facebook for Lent, I need somewhere to post all my photos! So this blog is as good a place as any :)

Here are some shots from our trip to Raleigh yesterday. We got to visit with Ryan's grandparents and aunt who were in town visiting. And, of course, we got to see his parents and sisters and their families, including seeing baby Matthew for the second time! And it also happened to be Auntie Ashley's birthday, which we were excited to be there for.

Clara and Luke absolutely love all their relatives and feel right at home at Grandma and Grandpa's house!

Luke playing with his great-grandmother

This girl loves sunglasses. And her auntie :)

Clara with her great-grandmother and great aunt

Clara and Aunt Cokie

Clara with her great-grandparents
Clara helping Auntie Ashley blow out her birthday candles
Luke's new obsession is being outside. "Outside! Outside!" is all I hear sometimes

Getting some comfort from her aunt on the "scary" swing
Lukie had no problem climbing all over the playground

The birthday girl with two of her nephews

Clara loves Uncle Adam

Four generations of Nobles men

Grandpa Nobles with his newest great-grandchild, Matthew
Jon showing off his electrified sand (I think I have that right?)

Auntie Ashley with her nieces and nephews

And two of my favorites at the end... Lukie going down the big slide, all by himself (for the most part)

And my girl... Some of my favorite smiles I've captured of hers are on swings.

Monday, February 13, 2012

A happy early Valentine's Day

One of us is in the Valentine's Day spirit...

Can you tell which one it is?

Even her chocolate got a kiss...

Happy Valentine's Day from Clara and Luke!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sick babies

We're feeling a bit under the weather in our house. But you wouldn't be able to tell if you watched the kids playing outside yesterday...

Clara's current favorite outdoor activity: "Come here, Sophie! (or Mommy, or Lukie, or any moving target she can throw leaves on)...

This is Luke's "I-just-woke-up" face. Is it just me, or does he look so grown up?

Anyway, about my two sickies. Clara went to the doctor today due to a cough, runny nose and the fact that she coughed so hard she vomited (Luke didn't go since he's not as bad). Turns out she has a slight ear infection. Hopefully that explains her recent super-fussiness. I'm really counting on it being due to not feeling well rather than the terrible twos!

As long as I take her outside, she's happy.

Of course, then there's the dragging them back inside part.